
Biscuits & Cakes


Vegetables, Fruit & Preserves

Soups & Noodles

Bread Toppers



Mayonnaise & other sauces

About Our European Delicatessen.
We stock a wide range of cheese of course,
both locally made, as well as imported.
Meyer Gouda Cheese – Mahoe Cheese – Mercer Cheese – Whitestone – The Netherlands – Italy – France –
Denmark – Switzerland – England.
Our other products include: cakes,
biscuits, licorice, confectionery,
coffee and coffee pads (Senseo),
soups, spices, meal mixes, vegetables,
sauces, kroketten, fish, smallgoods,
Senseo Coffeemakers, cheesemaking kits,
pots, pans, giftware and much more.
Hans, Addy & Brian