Tastes from around the world
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UK Foods

Shredded Wheat
$20.70 eachView Product

WasView Product

Ready Brek
$15.40 / 450gView Product

Weetabix 24's
$21.95 eachView Product

Baked Beans Heinz
$8.10 / 415gView Product

Rice Pudding - Ambrosia
$10.10 / 400gView Product

Golden Syrup T&Lyle
$15.20 / 454gView Product

Smoky Bacon Crisps
$4.10 / 35gView Product

Walkers Salt & Vinegar Crisps
$4.10 / 32.5gView Product

Cheese & Onion Crisps Walkers
$4.95 / 32.5gView Product

Monster Munch Pickled Onion 40g
$6.95 eachView Product

Licorice Toffees Walkers
$9.40 150gView Product

Daim Bar Cadbury
$6.80 / 28gView Product

Double Decker
$4.75 eachView Product

Veg Suet
$15.40 / 240gView Product

Galaxy Milk Bar
$8.60 / 110gView Product

Mincemeat Robertsons
$16.10 / 411gView Product

Galaxy Minstrels Pouch
$16.10 / 125gView Product

Rolos Nestle
$3.60 / 52gView Product

Terrys Chocolate Orange
$4.40 / 35gView Product